My daughter finished school and moved away. She entered an institute in another city. It didn't take long for time to pass. Everything seems normal. Life goes on as usual. You realize in your head that it should be so. Children grow up and fly away from under the parental wing. They build their own lives. And that's the right thing to do. But my heart is heavy, my eyes are wet all the time. She's all alone.
Good girl. Always did well in school. From home to school, from school to home. Didn't upset her parents like many of her peers. 18 years together under the same roof. In the morning - a kiss on the cheek to wake up, breakfast. In the evening, after dinner, the three of us would watch TV on the wide bed. Or play cards. We'd share the news. And so for many, many years... Suddenly everything changed.
Yeah, we skype every day, we talk on the phone. But she's not around. And there's a stone in my heart all the time. My husband and I look at her photos hanging on the wall, at her sports medals, she played basketball successfully, and a tear breaks through. You don't know what to do with yourself, everything falls apart.
I went from a nice apartment, from my cozy room to rented accommodation. The dwelling is poorly furnished, and the grandmother who rented it is quite nasty. She extorts money three months in advance. And the bed springs are sticking out of the bed. The bathroom is gloomy, unkempt and broken. The toilet tank was broken and glued together with scotch tape. There was no room in the dormitory. According to eyewitnesses, the conditions there are even worse. It's very expensive to rent a decent apartment. Students have to be fed and clothed. Their out-of-pocket expenses are growing - youth...
Girls from normal families who have never been away from home for a long time, except for trips to a resort or excursions, find it hard to get used to such a life. There are no moms around, they have to do everything themselves. They are brave, but their eyes are sad. How quickly life passes. It seems like yesterday they took their daughter to the first grade, and here you are... a student. She's gone hundreds of kilometers away from home to chew on the granite of science.
Our sweet little girl. How many hardships await you. A lot of vicious people around you. How many vile temptations. Lord, save and protect your daughter from hardship and failure. May she do well. She is a strong and clever girl, she will endure. She will get a good specialty and return to her hometown. We believe that. We believe we'll see her often. And someday we'll have sweet grandchildren. And these grandchildren will give us a new, wonderful stimulus for life.
Now study, my daughter. Overcome difficulties. Become a man with a capital letter, capable of being useful to people. I could have insisted that you stay around. There are several solid universities in our city. But you chose your specialty in the sixth grade, and that choice predetermined your departure. We didn't insist that you change your intentions. Good luck to you our girl, let everything go well for you.