A Gift From the Little Fairy - Jaaj.Club
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Почему не зарифмуете до конца? Мне кажется всё для этого сделано:

Мы жили спокойно, у всех был свой дом,
Но мэр наш решил всё сносить вдруг кругом.
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30.01.2025 Рубрика: Stories

A Gift From the Little Fairy

Автор: Elizaveta3112
Many children have unusual friends. Someone has a toy, someone has a character from a book, movie or cartoon (and maybe more than one), someone else has someone else. And Zoya Vorontsova had a fairy friend.
3270 0 0 6 494
A Gift From the Little Fairy
фото: shedevrum.ai
Many children have unusual friends. Someone has a toy, someone has a character from a book, movie or cartoon (and maybe more than one), someone else has someone else. And Zoya Vorontsova had a fairy friend. Yes, yes the very real one. Zoya met her when she was five years old. Then she watched some cartoon about fairies, and decided to send them a note, where she asked the fairy for candy. To be honest, Zoya didn't know whether this wish would come true or not, and she left the note just for fun. But what was her surprise when the next day the note disappeared and in its place appeared... a big candy in a golden wrapper! Zoya was very happy, but then she thought it had been planted by her mom or someone else from the elders. But her mother said that she had never even seen candy in such wrappers, the rest of the family had never seen candy in such wrappers, and they had never had any guests with candy either.

That's how Zoe's friendship with the fairy began. When she got older, she began to ask her friend more serious questions. For example, to make up with someone, to help her write a paper or to answer a lesson successfully. Zoya was a good student, and of course she was well prepared for class, especially if there was a test or some other important event. And then the New Year came.

Zoya was going to be nine years old this coming year. So she asked for... a card.

- What's so hard about it? - you might ask.

And the card was supposed to be from a fairy. And it had to look like no one but a fairy could have made it.

- What should a card from a fairy look like? - Grandma asked. Mom and Grandpa nodded.

- She must be small - Zoya answered, and, looking around the household, asked - You have any idea how big a fairy is, right?

And then the household finally realized what had happened. If the fairy was the size of a small doll at best, how big should the card from her be?

To be honest, at first they wanted to "help the fairy" and give a card instead. But writing a card from a fairy who was no more than twenty centimeters tall? They didn't count on that. Finally, after much deliberation, Grandpa said:

- Okay, I'll see what I can come up with.

And went to work.


And then it was New Year's Eve. Zoya didn't talk about the card from the fairy anymore, and everyone else seemed to have forgotten about it. The only unusual thing about New Year's Eve was that Grandpa didn't go to work, but stayed to celebrate with everyone. By the way, he never left home except for work.

Zoya welcomed the new year with her family as usual, and went to bed.


The next morning everyone woke up to Zoe screaming:

- Mommy! Mommy!

- Zoya, my God, what happened? - the whole family came running into the room. And stunned. Because in her hands, Zoya was holding... a card from a fairy! A card that was no bigger than a candy wrapper. There was no doubt: it had been sent by a fairy. No one ever figured out how the card got into Zoya's room. Maybe Zoe's grandfather knows the answer to that question. What do you think?

The end

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Я попал сюда ночью. Посреди огромного холла я стоял босыми ногами на бетонном полу. Ко мне подошли двое людей в белых халатах. Их лица были скрыты – ровно как и то место, в которое они меня повели. В коридорах скрывался проход, в конце которого находилась неприметная на первый взгляд дверь. Разбитые вазы, странные картины, которые изображали исказившееся от боли лица – место было не из приятных. Читать далее »

Фредди Крюгер в нашем подвале

Случилось сколотить нам рок-группу под названием «Шанс». Однажды вечером репетировали мы в подвале нашего клуба. Следует отметить, что училище наше древнее и имеет богатую историю, так что подвалы в нём большие, тёмные и удручающе нависающие над любителями там прогуляться… Так вот, одному товарищу нашему захотелось изучить примыкающие к «сцене» подвальные помещения на предмет находящегося там имущества. Читать далее »


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