We lived a quiet life. Everyone had houses. But our mayor suddenly had an idea. An idea to save money; to demolish houses and abolish parks. To make life easier for everyone... no - to make life better for everyone.
He hasn't been here long, he's a newcomer. But he's already made a name for himself. He's destroyed our peace, he's taken away our will. Now we all feel sick, let it be a dream! If we really have to live in that monster they call home. So it's better to leave, and not come back, so we don't have to see this devastation.
Woke up early, didn't wash. We were all assembled in front of the mayor. He told us about the idea, saying, "We need to make the city more beautiful!" Improve the view, get rid of traffic jams, give new apartments to everyone.
We were scared, surprised, and what else could we do? We lived happily ever after, but he came to us to take everything away. He moved us into tents, saying: "You have to wait a little longer."
He began to demolish our houses, to destroy them. People were all driven out, not leaving a minute. Everyone was tired and marveled at the fact that our mayor just like that: took and destroyed the city; our native and beloved home - and left nothing to remember. Only sponsors and rich people looked and smiled, because money was dripping into their pockets - their dreams were fulfilled.
People begged and pleaded, but the bills were still sent to them. Even though the houses were long gone. They were forced to pay anyway. The tents were made of oilcloth, where the cold lived with man. Behind it was nothing but fields and fields. Nothing of the old life. People were running out of patience, they wanted everything back. But the mayor answered them all: "A little more, a little more, a little more."
The mayor said everything would be simple and tasteful and without any embellishments - he presented his project to the people. We were shown the barracks: big, untidy, the size of a city. It waited lonely in the field. When all the people will leave their will - start to settle in their corners.
However miserable they had to agree. The house was a box, the whole city inside. Now there were no streets, only corridors. Now there were no windows, no grass, no rocks. Now here was home, only it was alien.
It couldn't go on like this for long. People got tired of looking at each other. They got smart and came together to the mayor. All together they shouted: "You bastard!" The mayor immediately fell down, catching sight of the crowd. He tried to calm them down, but they wouldn't calm down. "Go away!" He was at the window, standing on the edge. Fear had curbed his arms and legs. He asked for it, said he'd leave. Took all the boxes and his things. Quickly sped away without a word to them, the mayor ran away - the people could. The mayor ran away, taking everything with him. People shouted, "Hurrah! At last!" Hell was over, everything was as it was before, the people could beat him.
We drove the mayor out, we dismantled the houses. We didn't wait for that fool anymore. A ruler can be good, but they always forget the people. They don't ask, they don't tell, they just nod silently. They don't understand us at all. Even though we're all human beings and want the same things, they're interested in one thing and one thing only. I want to tell you, we've got it all back, everything's back where it belongs and life is boiling again. And if the same mayor comes to us again, we know what to do, it's not our first time.
In the office of the chief editor of the newspaper "Our Town".
- Well, what is it? What did I ask you to write? I'm sorry, it's just a matter of... inspiration came over me. What am I supposed to do with this?! I was hoping we could get it published. So you and I could get fired? No way... Go ahead and rewrite the whole thing!"
- I'll still publish it... if you don't mind. I know some resources that are anonymous. I promise!
- Okay, okay... just leave me out of it.
- Deal!
* Any coincidences are coincidental and have nothing to do with reality.
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