My Friend and Healer - Pencil, Write! - Jaaj.Club
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10.02.2025 17:30
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Как их незамечать?Я боюсь!!,
15.02.2025 Гость
Классика! Советую к прочтению из этой же серии - "Книга дневных записей"
08.02.2025 Jaaj.Club
21.01.2025 МилаЗах
Вариант хороший, но мне больше иная структура нравится. Ваш вариант это уже всё-таки классические стихи. Хотя в этом ничего плохого нет
10.01.2025 nickgeek639
Почему не зарифмуете до конца? Мне кажется всё для этого сделано:

Мы жили спокойно, у всех был свой дом,
Но мэр наш решил всё сносить вдруг кругом.
"Экономить пора! Парки больше не в счёт!
Легче всем станет, уж точно — вперёд!"
10.01.2025 Jaaj.Club


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24.02.2025 Рубрика: Poetry

My Friend and Healer - Pencil, Write!

Автор: leila4444
When a blizzard blows inside, When the soul creaks with sad themes, When sunshine and warmth make thoughts fly like two wings, When a bee of hurtful words glides along the bare wires, To hold the steering wheel of the soul, My friend and healer - Pencil, write!
1039 1 0 5 177
My Friend and Healer - Pencil, Write!
When there's a blizzard inside,
The soul creaks with sad themes,
When from sunshine and warmth,
Thoughts soar like two wings;

When the bare wires
A bee of hurtful words slithers by,
To hold the helm of the soul,
My friend and healer - Pencil, write!

Write about both,
Write a little bit about everything,
Both about spring and winter,
About sweet feelings, a river of tears....

Find me love and happiness
And write about my fate!
Don't waste graphite for searing phrases,
Write about affectionate words!

Take the charge of my soul,
Write, my friend, you from the heart!
Write about both,
Write a little bit about everything...

Don't be afraid of caustic words of reproach,
Only my heart is your war recorder!
Write about passion, about war,
Write about peace and goodness!

Write about the poor, write about the rich,
About single or married,
And of longing, and of love,
On the misadventures of fate...

Don't be afraid of judgmental words,
Write, don't cover for your enemies,
Write it like it is and unvarnished,
I don't forgive unnecessary phrases!

Write, my friend, please write!
Write about the music of the soul!
Write about both,
Write a little bit about everything...

Leyla Yusupova.

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