A special evening shines with neon
A peculiar rhythm generates hearts
In a special house with whispered chords.
A new life and a tiny soul is born.
Tears are born, smiles are born, hugs are born.
Meanings are born, worries are born, things are born.
Dads and moms and brothers are born
Which the whole family has been looking forward to.
Thursday, Donnerstag, midweek.
A special day for a beautiful family
They wished for the birth of a son
And the rain embodied their great dreams.
Worms slip on the puddles with their heels
There's talk and laughter in the puddles.
On the puddles the winds are rushing ships
After all, today is a holiday for everyone in the world!
The trees are releasing their spring sap.
The tops pound with neon lights
And the rain continues its nightly tour
To the sounds of special, newborn babies.....
That's how the best nights happen
That's how babies are born into the world
That's the way happy eyes look--
After the rain on a February Thursday.