How To Get Rid of Dust in the House - Jaaj.Club
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23.03.2025 Рубрика: Interesting

How To Get Rid of Dust in the House

Автор: Jaaj.Club
Tuberculosis is not dormant, but is advancing steadily across the planet. So either wear a gas mask or use the tips we offer below. These tips will help you take your fight against dust to the next level.
569 0 0 2 337
How To Get Rid of Dust in the House
Dust in the house is not only aesthetically unsightly (although you can text each other and draw hearts on it), but it's also unhealthy.

Respiratory organs are the most unprotected organs in humans, and dust easily penetrates them.

You see, there is nothing good in it, only losses for health. And tuberculosis, as the main lung disease, is not dormant, but is advancing steadily all over the planet. Therefore, either wear a gas mask or use the tips that we will offer below.

These will help take your battle against an implacable foe - dust, to a new qualitative level:

  • Tip number one. Get in the habit of dusting yourself every day. It's nothing complicated. A damp cloth and go ahead. Business for 5-10 minutes, and the benefits are "over the roof". If you are still lazy, then use special means that do not allow dust to settle on surfaces, especially polished. Thankfully, there are plenty of such means. But then there is a question about their harmfulness or harmlessness. If you want to be sure that dusting is absolutely harmless, then read this advice first.
  • Tip number two. As often as possible clean and wash the items that dust simply adores - bedspreads, pillows, soft toys, curtains ... Thus, dust will not be able to collect in quantities that exceed the permissible concentration standards.
  • Tip number three. The device, whose name is vacuum cleaner, although designed, judging from the name, to combat dust is not always as effective as the manufacturers "whistle" about it. The vacuum cleaner is more of a "square shooter," but the control shot after vacuuming will be a wet cleaning.
  • Tip number four. Make the life of a dust mite joyless and short. This should be done by airing the room, ironing pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets. Pillows and blankets should be regularly introduced to fresh air - UV light will kill the mite in the summer and frost in the winter. Plus don't forget that blankets and pillows also require periodic washing and cleaning.

It seems to be nothing complicated, but this complex allows, if not to defeat the dust finally, but to inflict a permanent serious damage to it, reducing its existence per square centimeter, and the result of all this action will be the health of all living under the roof of your home.

Breathe fresh air and don't let the dust defeat you!

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