Phalaris: the Tyrant Who Defied the Limits of Cruelty - Jaaj.Club
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24.02.2025 Рубрика: History

Phalaris: the Tyrant Who Defied the Limits of Cruelty

Автор: Jaaj.Club
In the shadow of the ancient city of Agrigento is woven the dark story of a tyrant who left an indelible mark on human history. His name is Phalaris, a ruler who wielded absolute power and whose ruthless and depraved actions shook an entire civilization.
1538 0 0 4 735
Phalaris: the Tyrant Who Defied the Limits of Cruelty
Woven in the shadows of the ancient city of Agrigento is the dark story of a tyrant who left an indelible mark on human history. His name is Falaris, a ruler who wielded absolute power and whose ruthless and depraved actions shook an entire civilization.

Since ancient times, history has preserved traces of numerous characters who once dominated the stage, inspiring both respect and fear. However, with the inexorable passage of time, many of these characters have been forgotten.

Just imagine the many tyrants, despots and warlords that existed in the past. People who at one time were objects of fear and hatred, but have already fallen into the abyss of oblivion after leaving this world.

Falaris of Agrigento: the dark reign of a tyrant

Phalaris was famous for his incredible cruelty. This tyrant established his dominions in the citadel of Akragas (modern Agrigento) in Sicily between 570 and 554 BC. Phalarides' sixteen-year reign was characterized by a cruelty that surpassed even other sadistic and despotic rulers of antiquity. Among the unspeakable horrors perpetrated by Phalaris were genocide, torture, persecution, and even acts of cannibalism.

Falaris was initially entrusted with the administration of the citadel in order to build a magnificent temple in honor of Zeus. Within a few years, the citadel flourished: Phalaris ordered the construction of fountains to supply the population, the decoration of public buildings, and the strengthening of the defensive walls.

Moreover, the inhabitants of Himera, on the northern coast of the island, proclaimed him general and gave him absolute power. However, taking advantage of his position, he subjected Akragas to brutal control.

A successful rise to power

According to reports in the Suda, Falaris managed to convince the population that he was a worthy ruler, allowing him to become the absolute ruler of the entire island. Taking advantage of this, he launched a merciless persecution of his opponents and reinforced his loyal personal guard.

Once entrenched in power and with virtually no enemies, the tyrant Phalaris established a corrupt regime characterized by excess, terror, and extreme viciousness.

It is interesting to note that Phalaris never completed the temple of Zeus, perhaps because he feared his authority would be questioned upon completion. In fact, he preferred to send slaves to work in the mines, condemn them to die in bloody games, or simply execute them.

Falaris showed a particular interest in the use of exotic methods of execution and a disturbing fascination with torture. He took little satisfaction in sending a person to the torture chamber, but instead enjoyed watching them himself, usually accompanied by guests.

He almost always confined himself to observation, but on special occasions he took on the role of executioner and personally tortured the condemned. Falaris had a penchant for sharp blades, metal-tipped whips, and fire. At some banquets, prisoners were tortured as entertainment.

Falaris' bronze bull

The Greek historian Pindar wrote that Phalaris created a gruesome method of execution known as the "Bull of Phalaris". This method involved placing a person inside a bronze statue in the shape of a bull, which was then placed over a bonfire. The victim inside the statue was subjected to slow roasting. According to some chroniclers, Falaris also used the Bronze Bull as a form of intimidation against his enemies.


It is believed that the statue was in his throne room, and when someone appeared before him, the mere sight of the instrument of torture was enough to break people and make them give in to his requests. The bull that belonged to Phalaris was in Akragas, although it was later stolen by the Carthaginians and used in their rituals. It was presumably returned after the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC, at the end of the Third Punic War.


But Falaris never ceased to outdo himself in his mission of evil. He was not only a sadist and murderer, but also a cannibal. Falaris' lavish banquets were famous for offering guests all sorts of exotic delicacies, including human meat. The tyrant acquired a special taste for the meat of children. It is mentioned in the Suda that Phalaris used to bite the bellies of babies brought to him. Moreover, he found great pleasure in drinking the blood of newborns, to which he attributed the properties of an aphrodisiac.

At a certain point, Phalaris became convinced that he was immortal and his destiny was to become king of the world. For this reason, he ordered numerous statues to be erected in his honor, coins to be minted, and poems to be composed praising his conquests. As is often the case with tyrants who establish excessive rule, Phalaris' reign came to an end because of violence.

The fall and oblivion of Phalaris

The leader Telemachus organized a rebellion against the tyrant, led by a band of mercenaries and supported by the people. After they stormed Akragas, the tyrant's allies scattered and eventually Falaris was taken. The populace had the power to decide how Falaris would be executed, and as expected, someone brought up the fearsome Bronze Bull. Shouting all sorts of threats, Falaris was led inside the statue.

In the end, he experienced firsthand the same suffering to which he had subjected countless people. After his execution, his punishment continued: by order of the new king, the statues of Phalaris were torn down and the coins were minted anew. All traces of his existence were erased. Phalaris ceased to be a significant figure and became a nobody.

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