The Mystery of the Halo Fairy - Jaaj.Club
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12.03.2025 Рубрика: Fairy tales

The Mystery of the Halo Fairy

Автор: Elizaveta3112
When Ola was eight years old, she got lost. It happened in the forest, which was not far from her grandmother's house. Actually, it was not the first time Olya had been in that forest, because she spent every day at her grandmother's house. And she had gone for mushrooms many times already. She didn't realize how she had gotten lost, but just looked around - and her grandmother was gone!
252 0 0 3 693
The Mystery of the Halo Fairy
All children think about what they will become when they grow up. Some of them manage to "try on" several professions before graduating from school, and then become something completely different; some grow up in a family where there is a dynasty, for example, of doctors, and they are also going to become a doctor. Others have no dynasty in their family, but they know almost from diapers what they are going to be when they grow up. Acquaintance with the work of a lifetime can also happen in different ways. Someone, though not from a dynasty, follows in the footsteps of a parent, grandmother, grandfather, some other relative or significant person, someone followed the example of a hero of some movie, cartoon or book, and someone just picked up a profession according to his interests. Someone who loved cooking became a chef, someone who got along well with younger people became a child psychologist or a teacher, someone who loved animals became a veterinarian... But Oli had a very unusual story connected with this....

When Ola was eight years old, she got lost. It happened in the forest, which was not far from her grandmother's house. Actually, it was not the first time Olya had been in that forest, because she spent every day at her grandmother's house. And she had gone for mushrooms many times already. She didn't realize how she got lost, but just looked around - and her grandmother was gone! Where - gone - it is not clear. It's not clear where the house is. And soon it would be evening, it would start to get dark. Even an adult would be frightened in such a situation, but Ola was only eight years old. And she began to imagine what might happen to her.

- What if I never find myself and never see my parents and grandparents? Then I'd have to stay here forever. What if a wolf or some other evil animal lives here?

Olya was about to cry, and suddenly she saw that paths of lanterns were lighting up in the forest. And these paths led straight to her!

- I wonder what it is? - Olya thought then - it's a forest here, there are no lanterns... Are they fireflies?

But they were not fireflies. Soon the paths became bright, and Olya saw that they were... hats of some strange creatures that looked like gnomes. Olya did not know who they were, but for some reason she immediately realized that they were kind.

When all the lights came on, Olya saw someone coming towards her. It turned out to be some girl in a white dress and a wreath of white roses on her head. She had long dark hair and kind brown eyes.

- Hello, Olya," she said hello.

- Hello - Olya said hello - but how do you know me?

- I live in this forest, and I know everyone who comes here," the girl explained, "I am the Halo Fairy. You've seen circles like that around the moon or the sun, haven't you? No? Well, we name ourselves after them. That's what a halo is.

Olya wanted to ask who we were, but guessed that the fairy meant herself and other such fairies. Meanwhile, the fairy said:

- Don't worry, your family will find you soon, my helpers will take care of it. In the meantime, let me tell you something.

This story happened a long time ago. Many years ago, a man named Galo came to a small town. Yes, that's our last name," the fairy explained, "and everyone has a different name. For example, my name is Helia. Well, no one knew where this man came from, where and with whom he lived before. All we knew was that he could make glowing circles that appeared near the sun or the moon. He was a very kind man, so his circles always helped people.

Unfortunately," the fairy sighed, "not all the people Galo helped were good. There were greedy and evil among them. They wanted to use his magic to hurt someone. There were also those who were simply jealous of him. But Galo didn't want to help the bad guys. And in the end, he just walked away. He disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared. Halo had heirs who tried to return to the humans, but it didn't work. And since then, the Halo has only helped a few children.

And then there was a shout from afar:

- Olya! Olechka, where are you?

It turned out that Olya had long been looking for her grandmother and her mother, who had come to look for her.

- I'm here! - Olya shouted and, thanking the fairy for the story, ran to the shout.


Many years passed. Olya has grown up. She became a scientist and now studies rare weather phenomena. But she will never forget that story from her childhood and always tries to do only good deeds.

The end

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