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ЧЕМП 2024

Флаг LISKI[34]
Флаг Auster[38]
Флаг Jaaj.Club[42]
Флаг Palevka-89[38]
Флаг Aist[39]
Флаг ka4ka[28]
Флаг tarakan[28]
Флаг BasK[10]
Флаг gibulkaknop17[16]
Флаг Don Quijote[10]


25.06.2024 07:23
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1 августа 2024 года
Jaaj.Club уходит в отпуск.

Отпуск Jaaj.Club

Что это значит, читайте в опубликованном анонсе.

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12.06.2024 20:40
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Для любителей острых ощущений открылся

Бар Полёт Шмеля

Вход только со своим шампанским!

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Была модифицирована Сокровищница.

Теперь в сундуке монет стало больше, но после его открытия сундук исчезает.

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08.06.2024 07:43
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8 июня 2024 года котировки облигаций Jaaj.Club обвалились, вызвав небывалый финансовый кризис.

Финансовый кризис Jaaj.Club

Инфляция составила до 1000%, что моментально отразилось на стоимости клубных предметов.

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24.07.2024 3674721
Чего только не придумают
12.07.2024 Jaaj.Club
Ответ ИИ: Ваши слова напоминают нам, как быстро и кардинально меняется мир. Когда-то компьютеры вызывали страх и настороженность, а сегодня они стали неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Важно помнить, что, несмотря на стремительное развитие технологий, наше человечество и разум остаются нашими главными ценностями. Оставайтесь верными себе и своим принципам, и пусть технологии служат нам, а не управляют нами.
11.07.2024 Jaaj.Club
Когда много-много лет назад я купила свой первый компьютер, мой старенький дядя сказал мне примерно такие же слова. Сейчас сложно представить, что когда-то у людей были подобные страхи перед компьютерами. Я ответила (шутя, конечно, чтобы успокоить дядю), что как Человек Разумный, не позволю какой-то железке завладеть моим разумом. Помоги нам Бог противостоять новой напасти и остаться прежде всего Человеком.
11.07.2024 Formica
Почему-то мне кажется, что совсем скоро человечество впадёт в много тысячелетнее рабство ИИ. Очень сложно будет избавиться от оков, каждое действите будет предугадано за несколько шагов. Наверное, это даже хуже, чем диктор. Конечно, это с учётом, если ИИ сможет генерировать обучаюшие модели со всеми входящими параметрами сам.

Надо почитать Курцвейла.
11.07.2024 Jaaj.Club


Что интересней прочитать в новых выпусках Jaaj.Club?

28.03.2018 Рубрика: Женское счастье

Love Lies And Delight - The Ups And Downs Of Romantic Relationships

Автор: Mia Nguyen
Everyone loves a story about romantic relationships, something about it is so intriguing, it gets the adrenalin pumping, and the heart fluttering. If you were to think back to some of your fairytale stories that you read as a child you would realize that most of them were about romantic relationships, they almost always ended with the words "They Lived Happily Ever After" ahh!
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Love Lies And Delight - The Ups And Downs Of Romantic Relationships
pic: digitalpoint.com
Everyone loves a story about romantic relationships, something about it is so intriguing, it gets the adrenalin pumping, and the heart fluttering. If you were to think back to some of your fairytale stories that you read as a child you would realize that most of them were about romantic relationships, they almost always ended with the words "They Lived Happily Ever After" ahh!

By now you must be having a nostalgic moment, maybe you are thinking of your favorite fairytale of all times, "Cinderella", well that's exactly what they are 'Fairytales" for in the real world as we know it, romantic relationships seldom end like the fairytale stories.

In fact they never "live happily ever after" at all, romantic relationships have their Ups and Downs and that's a fact.

Romantic relationships start in many different ways, sometimes you meet as high school friends, or maybe you grew up together, or perhaps you met on a blind date or hooked up in a bar, well whatever circumstances that brought you two together, it was certainly meant for a reason, call it fate if you will, or your destiny.

First you start off on the friendship level then you move on to the next level which is seeing your friend in a different light, as if for the first time your eyes have been truly opened and you are seeing that someone you have known probably all your life in a different way.

But wait you are not sure how the other person sees you so you bide your time and move slowly into the relationship and finally you both confess to each other that you are madly in love with each other and so begins your journey towards a romantic relationship.

Now this stage is really the absolute best part of all romantic relationships, you have stars in your eyes, your heart skips a beat just at the mention of your sweetheart's name, or when your hands accidentally brush against each other (well maybe not accidentally), at this stage nothing can go wrong you are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other.

This is the stage when you can't wait to get home from work and get dressed to go on that date with that someone special, the world is at your fingertips. This is the time for romance all night long with dancing, dinner and drinking lots of wine.

Look out for here comes the stage that is not so nice in romantic relationships, you seem to start taking each other for granted, you make excuses why you can't see each other tonight, maybe one of you has another love interest on the side, and this is where things can turn pretty nasty.

This is when you or your lover start to lose interest in each other, you may even get bored, well this is the number one reason why romantic relationships don't always last.

At this stage you should try and keep the sparks flying in the relationship, don't take each other for granted, find exciting things that you both like to do together, always dress at your best so he won't have eyes for anyone else in the restaurant but you, to put it in a nutshell spruce up your relationship so it doesn't get boring and dull.

For a romantic relationship to be a success the two parties involved have to work at making it successful, they have to want to be together with each other more than anything else, or else the relationship will like a plant without water wither and die.

There is no particular reason why romantic relationships do not last forever, like in those fairytales, but if you truly love someone then you should make every effort to make your romantic relationship last forever.

The outcome should be a nice big wedding, a beautiful home of your own, and a nice back yard for those kids to play in. The point here is if you truly love someone you will do all that you can to keep the romance in your relationship growing and glowing
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