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ЧЕМП 2024

Флаг LISKI[34]
Флаг Auster[38]
Флаг Jaaj.Club[42]
Флаг Palevka-89[38]
Флаг Aist[39]
Флаг ka4ka[28]
Флаг tarakan[28]
Флаг Don Quijote[10]
Флаг gibulkaknop17[16]
Флаг BasK[10]


25.06.2024 07:23
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1 августа 2024 года
Jaaj.Club уходит в отпуск.

Отпуск Jaaj.Club

Что это значит, читайте в опубликованном анонсе.

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12.06.2024 20:40
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Для любителей острых ощущений открылся

Бар Полёт Шмеля

Вход только со своим шампанским!

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Была модифицирована Сокровищница.

Теперь в сундуке монет стало больше, но после его открытия сундук исчезает.

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Все в отпусках были, в ближайшее время обработаем. Все публикации доступны в общей ленте.
14.10.2024 Jaaj.Club
Здравствуйте! Мои последние публикации почему-то находятся в черновиках.Что случилось?
14.10.2024 Elizaveta3112
У меня дирхам есть? Как магу продать?
27.09.2024 Гость
Домовой всё видит, не обижайте его!
27.09.2024 Гость
Поклонялись домовому ? Вы серьёзно? Публикация отстой.
16.09.2024 Гость


Ваше предпочтение в кулинарии

13.04.2018 Рубрика: Рассказы

My Super Power Wish

Автор: Cathyson
We have all wished once in our life that we had the superpower to do anything and everything. For example, it could be a task that you needed to accomplish but you realize that you cannot do it on your own and on time. I also wished I had superpower when I was in college.
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We have all wished once in our life that we had the superpower to do anything and everything. For example, it could be a task that you needed to accomplish but you realize that you cannot do it on your own and on time. I also wished I had superpower when I was in college. There are so much going on when one is in college that requires your attention and we also have high dreams that we wish to accomplish as well. My superpower wish was to have a photographic memory whereby whenever I went to class or sit for an exam, I could remember everything that we were taught in class. There is so much pressure that happens when one is in college since you want to hang out with your friends, go for camping, vacations and also for parties. And if all these activities happen on the weekend and you have an exam to do the following week, your mind tends to get confused where you end up forgetting what you studied in class.

It happened to me one time whereby my brother had a party and I couldn’t miss since all our friends were going to show up. The worst part of the whole story is that I had the final exams that I was supposed to complete the following week. Well, it was quite hard for me to grasp anything from the paper considering that I spent my entire weekend partying and having fun which made me not to be able to do enough revision for my exams. And this made me wish I had powers to remember everything that way I would not have problems when doing my exams.

With a good memory that shows you all the notes of what the teacher taught in class, you will be good to go since all you will do is to transfer all the notes to your writing. All I know is that college is not easy and once you pass this stage of your life and you get to graduate with good grades, well you deserve to be named a superhero since it is not easy to juggle all the work in school and the social life that surrounds you.
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Если б у меня была супер сила, то я бы стал программистом

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