Message in a Bottle Concepts - Jaaj.Club
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10.02.2025 17:30
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Jaaj.Club подписал партнёрское соглашение с ведущими мировыми книжными магазинами! Теперь наши издания доступны на электронных прилавках наших партнёров.

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16.01.2025 16:53
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31.12.2024 07:09

С наступающим 2025 годом!

Трясите новогоднюю шапку, что есть силы!


Открыта регистрация на турниры 2025 года



Как их незамечать?Я боюсь!!,
15.02.2025 Гость
Классика! Советую к прочтению из этой же серии - "Книга дневных записей"
08.02.2025 Jaaj.Club
21.01.2025 МилаЗах
Вариант хороший, но мне больше иная структура нравится. Ваш вариант это уже всё-таки классические стихи. Хотя в этом ничего плохого нет
10.01.2025 nickgeek639
Почему не зарифмуете до конца? Мне кажется всё для этого сделано:

Мы жили спокойно, у всех был свой дом,
Но мэр наш решил всё сносить вдруг кругом.
"Экономить пора! Парки больше не в счёт!
Легче всем станет, уж точно — вперёд!"
10.01.2025 Jaaj.Club


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11.04.2018 Рубрика: Рассказы

Message in a Bottle Concepts

Автор: TheInventor
I have thought about sending a message in a bottle as a time capsule. The first concept I thought of would consist of me writing a poem based on my life experiences and putting it in a bottle, so future generations could read, analyze, and learn from my life.
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I have thought about sending a message in a bottle as a time capsule. The first concept I thought of would consist of me writing a poem based on my life experiences and putting it in a bottle, so future generations could read, analyze, and learn from my life. The bottle would float at sea until someone in the future finds it. I think this would be a creative way to utilize the message in a bottle because instead of it just being a letter to someone, it would instead represent a specific time period.

The second concept I thought about was sending a birthday message in a bottle to a loved one. I would write a poem dedicated to a loved one and put it in a bottle to be sent to them.This would be a unique present for a love one because it would deviate from the typical give. Writing a poem for a person is a very intimate and personal gesture. The person that receives this poem will genuinely feel appreciated and loved. This would be a timeless present that will be remembered by an individual for the rest of their life.

The third concept I thought about was a friendship message in a bottle. What better way to solidify the bond between two long time friends than a message in a bottle? Crafting a poem for your best friend is a great way to commemorate your relationship with someone.The message in this particular bottle would consist of a letter detailing the history and meaning behind a close relationship.Sharing long lasting memories with a close friend will make the bond between you and them that much stronger. Overall, I think message in a bottle our great way to communicate thoughts and feelings through a creative method.
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