White Chicks - Jaaj.Club
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23.11.2024 05:26

🔥Горячая новинка!🔥

Роман-участник Литмастерской Сергея Лукьяненко, бестселлер портала Author.Today.
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На самом дне Тихого океана скрыт город осьминогов. Главная героиня Рина Куравина с напарником проникают в подводные пещеры и попадают в плен. Всё было бы банально и просто, если бы не завязавшиеся отношения между Риной и одним из обитателей подводного мира.

23.11.2024 05:07

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28.10.2024 12:17

Новая книга в издательстве "Коллекция Jaaj.Club" – "Дети Моря" от Елены Виховской уже в продаже!

Дети Моря - Елена Виховская

Не упустите возможность стать одним из первых читателей книги "Дети Моря" и окунуться в пучину захватывающих морских приключений.



Ну, духи – это, конечно, серьёзно. Главное – не путать их с местным виски, а то можно и самому начать после шести появляться. 😉
04.12.2024 Гость
В Аппалачи после 6 начинает появляться духи и рекомендуется не обращать внимания
02.12.2024 Гость
Очевидно, прибыли с другой планеты. Только похоже это был билет в один конец, знания растерялись, так как в приоритет вышло выживание. Возможно подобный челнок с вновьприбывшими был не один и мог растянуться на многие тысячи лет.
29.11.2024 Jaaj.Club
Там жутко...
28.11.2024 Гость
Допустим, эволюция и правда многостороннее явление. Но в этой теории возникает другой вопрос: если животные - деградировавшие люди, то откуда они взялись изначально?
28.11.2024 Elizaveta3112


Что интересней прочитать в новых выпусках Jaaj.Club?

13.04.2018 Рубрика: Кино

White Chicks

Автор: cutelilmd
My favorite movie would be "White Chicks" directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans. Every time I see this movie playing on the tv, I will stop everything I do to watch it. The movie is about two African American FBI agent Marcus and Kevin who are assigned to escort two socialites to the Hamptons where they are used as bait for a kidnapper.
3405 0 0 3 380
White Chicks
pic: www.altpress.com
My favorite movie would be "White Chicks" directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans. Every time I see this movie playing on the tv, I will stop everything I do to watch it. The movie is about two African American FBI agent Marcus and Kevin who are assigned to escort two socialites to the Hamptons where they are used as bait for a kidnapper. During the trip, the girls got into an accident and broke their nose. They are horrified by the accident that they refuse to go to the Hamptons. Marcus and Kevin had to disguise as these caucasian Paris Hilton type girls to keep the case going. Every time I watch this movie, I would laugh so hard that my stomach would spasm.

There are many memorable scenes like when Marcus was disguised as one of the socialites and had to go on a date with another African American man name Laterall. Marcus would do everything he could to repulse the guy such as eating like a pig and then releasing a big fart in hopes of blowing the guy away. Obviously, that didn't work, it only made the guy want him more. The funniest part is when Laterall slurps an oyster to show off his unbelievably large tongue by licking his lips. My friends and I never get tired of that scene; it's literally too much to handle. The fact that he didn't know he is wooing another black man is just hilarious. Then Marcus turns on the radio, and you hear "A Thousand Miles" by Venessa Carlton, which is a memorable chick song. What makes this song skyrocket is when Laterall, a huge black dude started singing it too.

At the end, I felt that White chick is my all time favorite movie because it's hilarious and creative. I have seen a lot of comedies, and everything is the same. It's like these movies are copying material from each other. White Chick, on the other hand, is original, every material they use is very creative, and I have never seen it before in another movie. I was in awe the whole time I was watching this movie. As a matter of fact, I might just watch it again tonight.
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