The history of the messenger Telegram starts long time before its first release in August, 2013. In that time developer Pavel Durov worked on Russian social net (russian facebook). has become so popular among users and government started to follow their goals through this social net.
Pavel Durov wanted to create something free and independent from government's influence. Thus he had to left this project under pressure of military force.
Durov left Russia and got citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis. There he started to develop his new project Telegram Messenger.
Telegram was founded be Russian developers Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai. First release was in August, 2013.
Why Telegram and not watsap or viber or facebook messenger. It's simple.
- Telegram is light for download and installation, It doesn't require much spaces in your phone.
- Very fast. Oh no. Really very fast!
- There are no extra details, only that what it needs
- Security, safety channels
- Many users and friends who use it
- Many other extensions for this messenger which I know about but don't use.
So, I use this messenger 5 years and I'm still enjoying and suggest it to my new friends.